Our Proudest Commitment
What started all this?
From the beginning we wanted to create an initiative in our company that would allow us to use it as a tool, not just to benefit ourselves, but to really make a difference.
Now, some would say - 'Surely brewing epic beer is enough of a service to humanity'... and heck, it sure is!
But that wasn't good enough for us, so we made a fairly rash decision to grant 1% of our turnover to those pursuing more noble causes, and help them out as best we can.
What is 1% For Good?
It’s very simple. We allocate 1% of our revenue to support charities and other good causes. We don’t solely give to registered charities, so we have the flexibility to support smaller and impromptu good causes; be that feeding street dogs or sponsoring litter-picking.
What is 1% of revenue
For every £1 of income we generate, be that from events, our website sales or supplying restaurants, shops and pubs, 1 pence gets allocated to our 1% For Good fund.
What do we spend on?
So far we’ve supported local Charities such as Durell Wildlife Conservation and Mind Jersey, as well as by donating prizes for charities auctions, and by providing a “Good deeds petit-cash” to people like Pat, who has used it while cycling round the world to feed street dogs and help people along his way.
How can I help?
If you’ve bought any of our products, you’ve already helped out, and we thank you very much for that! However, if you’d like to do more, you can also make a donation via the "Donate" button below.
Do we use any of the money to run 1% for Good?
Nope. 100% gets counted for 1% For Good, and no money is spent on administration. That way you know that 100% of it goes towards helping good causes.